The following websites will provide useful information for your community research (Note: If a link doesn't work, try copying it and pasting it into your browser).
Solving Sacramento :
Explore Census Data :
American Community Survey :
California Department of Finance : Demographics :
County Health Rankings & Roadmaps :
Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD) :
State of the Cities Data System :
Crime Data - State of California : This page has interactive crime statistics tables that you can tailor for your specific needs.
Economics and Statistics from local counties:
The Internet can be a valuable source for supplementing the information you have gathered from books and periodicals. Remember that I recommended .edu, .gov & .org.
However, it is VERY IMPORTANT that you EVALUATE THE INFORMATION you get from the Internet to determine if it is reliable and useful to your research.
Countless web pages are available on just about every topic, but how can you know what's worthwhile or credible? Evaluation of web pages and websites has become a necessary part of the research process, and a means to sharpen your own critical thinking skills. Some of the fundamental questions to consider during evaluation are:
AUTHORSHIP Note that "author" can mean a person or organization. |
ACCURACY Information must be judged accurate and verifiable before you use it in your own research or assignments. |
CURRENCY Look at both the date of publication and update, as well as the dates for any cited information. |
CONTENT Does the information on the website meet your research or information needs? |
PURPOSE The purpose of the site should be clear. Be aware that some sites present opinion as fact in order to sell or persuade. |
DESIGN Visual layout, choice of images and media files often have an impact on a website's professional credibility. |