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Dance Research Guide (Worth, Mitchell, and Rogers)
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Dance Research Guide (Worth, Mitchell, and Rogers)
This guide is designed to serve the research needs of all FLC Dance classes.
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Course Readings
Dance Readings (A-K)
America's Modern Dance by Doris Humphrey
An Anthropologist Looks at Ballet as a Form of Ethnic Dance by Joann Kealiinohomoku
The Ballet by Myron Howard Nadel
Booking Performance Tours- Nonprofits and For-Profits: The Rise and Decline of the High Arts in America
Booking Performance Tours- Special Issues for Institutional and Ensemble Companies
Dance by Adrenne Kaeppler
Dance Auditions - First Impressions
Dance Auditions - Professional Resumes and Portfolios
The Dance of the Future by Isadora Duncan
Dance Performance - Moving to the Theatre
Dance Performance - The Rehearsal Process
Dancing Out the Difference: Cultural Imperialism and Ruth St. Denis's "Radha of 1906" by Jane Desmond
Experimentalism in Ballet: Diaghilev, Fokine, and the Russian Legacy
German Dance and Modernity: Don't Mention the Nazis by Marion Kant
Jack Cole: the Father of Theatrical Jazz Dance by Paula Broussard
Jazz Dance Opens Up: Giordano Turns 50 by Lynn Colburn Shapiro
Dance Readings (L-Z)
Learning About Dance - The Choreographer
Letters on Dancing and Ballets by Jean-Georges Noverre
Luigi's Jazz Warm Up - Introduction
Luigi's Jazz Warm Up - Foundation of the Technique
On Dance by Jose Limon
Originality in the Postcolony: Choreographing the Neoethnic Body of Philippine Ballet - Sally A. Ness
The Philosophy of Modern Dance by Mary Wigman
Physical Graffiti : the History of Hip-Hop Dance by Jorge Pabon
The Rebel and the Bourgeois by Anna Sokolow
Studying Dance - Dance and Education
Studying Dance - Dance as a Multifaceted Discipline
Studying Dance - Sustaining Your Engagement With Dance
Three Specialists by Taylor Ailey Nikolais
Torse : There Are No Fixed points in Space by Merce Cunningham with Jacqueline Lesschaeve
Your Dance Resume - Advanced Resume
Your Dance Resume - Image and Design
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