You are always welcome to visit both the Folsom Lake College and El Dorado Center Libraries during our open hours to get one-on-one help from your librarians. If you prefer online help, try one of these services:
You can meet one-on-one with a librarian through a virtual appointment. Get help narrowing topics, developing research questions, finding appropriate sources, citations, and more. Get started by making a Research Appointment Request.
Librarians are available 24/7 via chat reference. FLC librarians staff the chat service during regular business hours, and non-local librarians are available to answer questions during all other times of day (or night). You will see the Ask A Librarian chat icon from OneSearch, inside our Research Guides, and on the Library’s homepage. It's also available right here:
The Los Rios librarians have developed a series of information literacy and critical thinking modules in Canvas. Module topics include:
Each lesson includes readings, videos, activities, and a quiz to assess students’ understanding of the material. Students can enroll in this self-paced Research Tutorial Course in Canvas.
You might be new to online learning. Check out these resources for some advice: